RELLIS Recollections, the book, is now available for purchase through Texas A&M University Press.

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“Change Is Welcome”

Dennis Allen learned his life's craft as an electrical technician in the Texas Engineering Extension Service's Institute of Electronic Science program at the A&M Research Annex. He went on to spend more than 35 years working in various positions at Texas A&M University, a valued member of the school's technical staff.

Before it was called the Research Annex, the site was known as Bryan Air Force Base, and Allen's father worked there both as an airmen during the Korean War and until the base closed in 1958 as a civilian technician. Allen's father would bring him onto the base from time to time.

So Dennis Allen's recollections of today's RELLIS Campus go back to his childhood, more than 60 years ago.

And from his perspective today, redevelopment of the RELLIS site are a welcome addition.


Dennis Allen is a lifelong resident of the Bryan-College Station area. After successfully completing his TEEX Institute of Electronic Science program, Allen began working at Texas A&M in 1977. He was an electronic technician at the Nuclear Science Center before transferring in the Industrial Engineering Department to work with computers, advancing to computer systems manager, and finally, to facilities manager before retiring from the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department in 2013. He is a past secretary of The Brazos Valley Service Rifle Association and past vice president of the Brazos Valley Radio Controlled Modelers.