RELLIS Recollections, the book, is now available for purchase through Texas A&M University Press.

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Class of '69

Bill Youngkin has been honoring military veterans with his weekly profile of former servicemen in The Eagle newspaper.

Bill served in the military himself, a veteran of the Vietnam War. Before that he was a member of the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M University.

Bill is a member of A&M's Class of '69, which means he entered school in 1965, a pivotal year in the history of the institution.


Bill Youngkin in a practicing attorney in the Bryan-College Station area and the principal at the Youngkin & Associates law firm. As an A&M student, he served as head yell leader, was a class officer and was recognized as a Distinguished Student. After graduation, he served in the U.S. Army’s 18th Airborne Corps, seeing duty in Vietnam. Bill is a former president of the Association of Former Students and a member of the Corps of Cadets Hall of Fame.