RELLIS Recollections, the book, is now available for purchase through Texas A&M University Press.

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Dr. David Claridge

Dr. David Claridge is the director of the Energy Systems Laboratory and the Leland Jordan Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University as well as being.a professional engineer.  He holds a B.S. in Engineering Physics from Walla Walla College and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from Stanford University.  He has been associated with the Energy Systems Laboratory since 1986 and is internationally known for his work on energy efficiency.  He pioneered development of the process of existing building commissioning which is today generally recognized as the most cost-effective way to reduce energy use in buildings, and accounts for several hundred million dollars of engineering effort annually.  He is also the co-inventor of a disruptive new refrigerant-free air conditioner technology that promises to substantially increase air conditioning efficiency, while providing better comfort and producing pure water as a by-product. A holder of 18 patents, he has received the Faculty Distinguished Achievement in Research Award from the Texas A&M Association of Former Students.

Energy Systems Laboratory