RELLIS Recollections, the book, is now available for purchase through Texas A&M University Press.

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Ellis Mooring

Ellis Mooring spent two “tours of duty” at Texas A&M. He originally enrolled with the Class of ’57, but left school before graduating and spent four years in the U.S. Air Force as a radar specialist. He returned to A&M after his service duty and graduated with a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1963. As an Aggie senior, he received the Texas A&M Bolton Award for Outstanding Electrical Engineering Student and was president of Eta Kappa Nu, the A&M Electrical Engineering honor fraternity. Mooring’s MS degree is from The John Hopkins University. In addition to accruing more than 8,000 hours piloting a variety of aircraft, Mooring has also made 22 skydiving jumps. After retiring to College Station, he became a director of the local Harley-Davidson chapter of the Harley Owner’s Group (HOG).

Wild Blue Yonder